Episode 1

Published on:

4th May 2021

Killer Cosmos: Ted Bundy

In this first edition of Killer Cosmos, the Birth Chart of the infamous serial killer Ted Bundy is given a thorough treatment. The second half of the episode covers a review of some of the major events of Bundy's life within the context of Annual Profections and Transits.

Killer Cosmos will return, but in the meantime check out Astrology Hotline, hosted by myself and Astrologer Tristan Paylor.

Website: https://www.kylepierceastrologer.com/

Follow me on Twitter @kyleVpierce

Valens excerpt background music:

Desert City by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com

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Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/_desert-city

Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/JHyhKAqFo0A

Theme Music by Kyle Pierce

Kyle Pierce:

My name is Kyle, and this is Killer Cosmos.

Kyle Pierce:

Today we're going to assess the birth chart of Ted Bundy, arguably the most infamous serial killer in American history. Now my approach to astrology incorporates primarily Hellenistic techniques.

Kyle Pierce:

on November 24 1946, to Eleanor Louise Cowell at the Elizabeth Lund home for unwed mothers. His mother had originally planned to give him up for adoption but at the insistence of her father, Ted

Kyle Pierce:

childhood and adolescence growing up into coma with his mother and adoptive father and four step siblings, while Ted's environment to coma seems to be one in which he was generally well loved and

Kyle Pierce:

Bundy reportedly liked to trick people, convinced people have made up accomplishments and would entertain fantasies of themselves as kind of being someone special and extra important. In high

Kyle Pierce:

relationship. She's generally referred to by the alias Stephanie Brooks. She eventually ended the relationship with Ted not long after he dropped out of University of Washington in 1968. citing his

Kyle Pierce:

By the breakup, he ended up traveling across the country visiting family along the way and making his way back to his hometown of Burlington, where it is believed that he discovered his, his birth

Kyle Pierce:

supporter to collect information. Bundy would end up being appointed to Seattle's Crime Prevention Advisory, even taking part in the publication of a rape prevention handout. He would also serve as

Kyle Pierce:

Brooks would later suspect that Bundys carefully manicured image as an ambitious and successful young professional was in reality part of a more long term and elaborate plot to get revenge on her

Kyle Pierce:

In January of 1974, after they had been talking about marriage, Bundy broke Lee abruptly, abruptly broke off contact when she did finally get a hold of him when he pretended like he had no idea what

Kyle Pierce:

watch while he killed the other.

Kyle Pierce:

Bundy like to revisit the bodies of his victims, usually, in order to in engage in necrophilia with their bodies. He was eventually arrested for the first time in 1975, and eventually convicted of

Kyle Pierce:

managed to escape custody twice before finally being convicted of several counts of murder in 1979. and sentenced to death in 1989. He was executed by electric chair in Florida.

Kyle Pierce:

Alright, so now that we have a sense of Bundy, his character, the kind of shenanigans he got himself up to actually take a look at the birth chart. So Monday we have a birthday November

Kyle Pierce:

You have the sun in Sagittarius and the fifth house about two degrees 16 minutes and the moon at 17 degrees 42 minutes Sagittarius. Now because the sun is solidly below the horizon. We know that this

Kyle Pierce:

To be extra important in general, but especially as we take a closer look at his first house now the first house is traditionally considered the house most associated with the actual person, the the

Kyle Pierce:

would those be? Well, often with Saturn and Leo, we get narcissism, not every Saturday and Leo, but it's one of the things that does seem to show up Saturn is confused in the sign of Leo.

Kyle Pierce:

So with this placement, you know, you might see somebody who's maybe confused about who they are, or has difficulty differentiating properly, the distinction between itself and other people, which is

Kyle Pierce:

it was within seven days ago. So we have here a bad Saturn, right, so what is a good Saturn, a good Saturn might look like, you know, Saturn and Aquarius in a day chart, you would be looking at

Kyle Pierce:

Bonnie's case, with the Saturn, we can probably reasonably assume that for the most part, this person is not any of those things, at least not naturally, things can be learned over time, but but

Kyle Pierce:

you know, often with the ruler of the first house in the fifth and the fifth house is is among other things, you know, the heels of like good things happening to you know, the physical body also deals

Kyle Pierce:

above the horizon where it can be seen, which is really what this

Kyle Pierce:

On wants to be doing in the moon tends to take a bit of precedents. Nonetheless, you know, the sun is playing an important role. But what that really is going to indicate is that this son is is going

Kyle Pierce:

you know, we do know, with Ted Bundy that he knew who had to turn on the charm when he wanted to, in fact, that ability served him pretty well, for his purposes, you know, Saturn is, is known to feign

Kyle Pierce:

eclipse leave the day before Bundy was born, not a particularly strong one. But you know, an eclipse nonetheless. And symbolically, again, we get this theme of things being hidden, the moon is, you

Kyle Pierce:

around the South Node is just, it's not as big of a deal. Or it's just, just not just don't make as much of that topic. Kind of aim for simplicity. There are cases though, where a lot of different

Kyle Pierce:

of human beings. Another quick thing about the south node that just like a personal observation probably won't see this in the textbook, when you think of the North Node is kind of ahead of the

Kyle Pierce:

their ruling planet Jupiter is in Scorpio and traditionally considered to be an aversion. They're not making an aspect to each other. That is not really kind of like an Antosha or anything like

Kyle Pierce:

ruling Ted's fourth house, which relates to parentage, you know, the home, the foundation, or the mother or the father, thinking generally, it's fair to say that the fourth house is going to tell

Kyle Pierce:

impulsiveness kind of lust for adventure, and a tendency to be maybe dogmatic or even fanatical and their beliefs usually pretty good philosophical debaters. And Monday, he he didn't go to law school,

Kyle Pierce:

watching it at the end, even as the judge was sending sentencing him to death now it was kind of

Kyle Pierce:

it admitting that he was impressed with with money some degree anyway, so really just keep getting this this theme reinforced with Bundy of looking the part but not actually not actually doing any of

Kyle Pierce:

good things, fun things, enjoyable things. It can be kind of the house of doing whatever the fuck you want. And what can be maybe a dark side of that is that the things that are enjoyable to us are

Kyle Pierce:

light, it's the source of light at nighttime. Right. And while the moon you know, definitely does say a lot about emotional response in general state, it also is like one of the just general

Kyle Pierce:

intelligent, but they take a say a philosophical approach to emotional topics, often moon and Sagittarius people feel the most at home, when they're out, out and about traveling, you know,

Kyle Pierce:

going to probably prefer to move on from that rather than sit and process it. So that can be kind of a build up sometimes. You know, they really don't like to have in there, the good vibes fucked with

Kyle Pierce:

oh dear, in this moment, and then

Kyle Pierce:

was like, what anybody likes some pie? You know, I have no idea what her her Moon was. But you know, it often says a lot about the mother. His mother did also, you know, move across country when he was

Kyle Pierce:

for the moon. And if you know we were looking at the his chart before we had discovered the outer planets that are you know, not visible with the naked eye, it would look like the moon is basically

Kyle Pierce:

the first fourth seventh or 10th in bundy has that he has two of them, and he did find direction of a kind. And the condition of those benefics does a really great job of describing exactly what that

Kyle Pierce:

initial arrest, and before he was formally charged with murder, the police were following him and he knew it and he did become very paranoid. And you know, when he was imprisoned, that that


Saturn Mars in the moon caused men to be venturesome in their business enterprises and noble but in effective, meeting with reversals and violence, they become in turn violent, reclusive,

Kyle Pierce:

begin makes a good point. And that's actually something I'm a big believer in is that the symbolism in a shard can play out in lots of different ways. Usually, my recommendation for a

Kyle Pierce:

some of us just like to punch people and there are other people in the world that will let you punch them usually as long as they can punch you back. But you know, maybe if Monday had been introduced

Kyle Pierce:

first house. But the fourth, the stuff that we're very aware of stuff that we don't necessarily share with anyone other than the people that were closest to people with. Heavy fourth house

Kyle Pierce:

interested in consensus or coming coming to agreement with others doubly so in the sign of Scorpio, a Mars ruled sign, which, you know, it's not so great, because Venus in a night chart is kind of the

Kyle Pierce:

you notice that

Kyle Pierce:

all those fourth house planets are being overcome by a superior square from Saturn, and Pluto, it's actually real, real tight with Pluto and Jupiter. But when you have a planet like Saturn, in a

Kyle Pierce:

they're already in in detriment. And really, none of the planets involved have any significant rulership or dignity in Leo or Scorpio. I mean, Jupiter has a little bit in, in Leo and fire signs

Kyle Pierce:

least amongst the great powers the you know, the more economically developed nations. And similarly, with planets and signs interacting in a chart, it's nice to see planets either, you know, in their

Kyle Pierce:

And you know, that normally wouldn't be reflected in a person's life. Unfortunately, in this case, it shows up as Ted really enjoying the pain and suffering that he inflicted on the women that he

Kyle Pierce:

know radioactivity does to things. As well as how we respond to radioactivity, radioactivity to a body, it causes rapid mutation of the cells, almost always killing them, but in some cases, least in

Kyle Pierce:

radioactive goo. What do we do with that, you know, we stick it in a barrel and we bury it underground, and hope that nobody, you know, accidentally digs it up for however many half lives for

Kyle Pierce:

in many ways with individuality and personal will. And yet the counterculture movement and Aleister Crowley became a big figure in popular culture, right Leymah do what thou willst is the whole of the

Kyle Pierce:

This is going to be somebody who is very likely to get the wrong idea about who they are. And that played out pretty literally in Monday's case from an early age Bundy was you know, very much

Kyle Pierce:

distilling something down to its essence and exaggerating it often creating, you know, a very extreme version of something that we get obsessed with Cluedo total wises in a sense, and when do

Kyle Pierce:

so much to help out Venus. Now, Jupiter, you know, has a lot of different jobs. It's gonna allow different jobs in any given shard, you know, depending on what houses it rules, what's houses, what

Kyle Pierce:

serve the agenda of for lack of a better word really monolithic. He's really monolithic planets in the first now to highlight how that really played out for Bundy. Read a little quote here.

Kyle Pierce:

He said guilt is an illusion, a social construction to control People, I am in an enviable position to not have to feel guilt. Now, Saturn is often associated with guilt, creating guilt, often where

Kyle Pierce:

more constructive, or less, much less disturbing. The fifth and eighth houses are about more than just sex and death. But in this case, we can see what do we have, we have somebody who liked to

Kyle Pierce:

you know, it works for a while. But you know, the first house is really able to twist up his arm. So eventually he's like, okay, all right. You want to kidnap and murder women, I can probably help you

Kyle Pierce:

opposition. Now, I personally think that they are a lot more complex than that. But one of the things they often show up as the kind of signify a sort of coercive or manipulative relationship

Kyle Pierce:

coercing and manipulating women into his car, so that he could, you know, capture and control them and kill them, you know, Scorpio kind of deals with death and decay. Saturn also kind of deals in

Kyle Pierce:

You know, if you if you ever if you get a reading with me, I'm not going to be trying to figure out if you're a necrophiliac or not. But you know, when you see Your pattern in a chart that just

Kyle Pierce:

over and over again, you know, like you have mercury opposing the fixed or our goal, which is known, among many other things for death by decapitation that its meaning is derived from it being part of

Kyle Pierce:

quick visit to our friend vettius Valens that maybe things that the ancients considered depraved wouldn't be considered a brave today, but there is kind of an extreme end of that spectrum that sort


Venus and Saturn square are much worse. Men take prostitutes as wives and they become both soft and depraved. It is even worse configurations and the descendant or the icy deterioration noted

Kyle Pierce:

Now Mars is not in hard aspect to either Saturn or Venus. You know Venus is in a Mars ruled sign Saturn is trine Mars and trines are not always friendly. While I don't know what he

Kyle Pierce:

going to really come through and I think it's pretty clear that Venus and that relationship with Saturn is really what Bundy is most known for. Ted Bundy is famous for his ability to use charm and

Kyle Pierce:

Ted Bundy sexuality. Venus is also debilitated. And you know, it's rarely this literal but Bundy like to, you know, like to bludgeon his victims and keep them unconscious, you know, literally

Kyle Pierce:

releasing, when you want to see when a person is likely to have a period of increased activity in terms of their career, or just you know, their general activity in the world, you release from the

Kyle Pierce:

note when we hit a peak period, and in this case happens to be the the fourth house that gets activated. So applying the technique you get a Virgo period from 1946 When he was born until we get

Kyle Pierce:

that on January 4, Venus and Jupiter were together in the sky in TED seventh house making pretty tight opposition's to Ted's Natal, Saturn, and natal Pluto. So you know, these two planets that are,

Kyle Pierce:

progressed Moon return, which is essentially when you advance the placement of the natal moon, by about a degree every month eventually makes its way back to his natal position. At about the same

Kyle Pierce:

it positive experiences for the individual. And 1974 does seem to be the year where TED is really enjoys himself the most.

Kyle Pierce:

You know, those benefits are being overcome by the most difficult planet in his chart the out of segment with it, Saturn in his first however, you know, this period is also laying the groundwork

Kyle Pierce:

would end up marrying her while on trial ultimately conceiving daughter with her in a shall we say unapproved conjugal visit, I mean, pretty much everything in his fifth house is under the beams of

Kyle Pierce:

playing his numbers game talking to women he was overheard introducing himself as Ted, which was reported to the police violence evidence and came up in the news reports about the serial killer

Kyle Pierce:

perfection the pivot around which is life really turned urns. So if we wanted to get an idea of perhaps when the more pivotal or defining moments or events might have taken place that contributed

Kyle Pierce:

at age one. But we do know that at the time, he was living with his maternal grandparents, we know that his grandfather was a bit of a scumbag. He was known to be abusive, violent, and had a tendency

Kyle Pierce:

fast moving kind of hyperactive mercury. Now stutters usually come about as a result of anxiety, and you know, in some cases have their origins in, you know, early childhood trauma, given his living

Kyle Pierce:

possible that some formative trauma might have occurred around that time. And, you know, the moving may well had been a traumatic, very least confusing for, you know, a three year old because, you

Kyle Pierce:

neighborhood at the time, went missing. And many people including the girl's parents believe that she was Bundys first victim. Now that's certainly possible would make a lot of sense given. You

Kyle Pierce:

conversation style.

Kyle Pierce:

But you know, also lying can can come up to Neptune is a planet that deals with deception. That's not always going to be the case. But it is another of many, many indicators that Mundy has in his

Kyle Pierce:

even you know, he was a big participant in the Republican Party. But you also get a lot of people describing the experience of never really knowing what Bundy was up to it if people asked what he

Kyle Pierce:

idealized model of what a young upwardly mobile clean cut white American male should be. And, you know, interesting too, is that there are multiple reports from victims that escaped or, you know,

Kyle Pierce:

and really see that all over his chart, but you know, that Neptune being ruled by Venus in Scorpio retrograde under the beams and in the fourth house, which is very much that stuff that is invisible

Kyle Pierce:

transiting his MC the night that he broke into the basement apartment of Karen Sparks is first known You know, attempted murder. Now let the very easily be a coincidence. I'm not looking to make too

Kyle Pierce:

Node involved in that Uranus conjunction with his ascendant I would think some or erratic behavior might be involved, perhaps some overwhelming impulses. Now, I'm very far away from claiming that

Kyle Pierce:

spans by this point. So let's bring your focus back to that 1974 1975 peak activity period in 1974. From the end of November, he turned 28. And that would have began his fifth house perfection. During

Kyle Pierce:

and suddenly Jupiter isn't helping him to shoot a secret anymore. He's under 24 hour surveillance and up to that point he had been kind of live in the fifth house edge dream a little bit taken his

Kyle Pierce:

having a lot of personal freedom. The sixth house is not having not very much of that. You do tend to see the eighth house more as punishment, and maybe the 12th house as imprisonment. You know, the

Kyle Pierce:

cooking up schemes to break out of prison during this period because February 1976, he is found guilty and sentenced to one to 15 years in prison. And with Bundy now safely locked away, the state

Kyle Pierce:

Monday trials aren't quite being broadcast on a nationwide level yet. This is really the beginning of the legend of Ted Bundy because in June, he manages to escape from the courthouse by jumping out

Kyle Pierce:

kind of with some help from Jupiter Neptune he's able to make a kind of brief vanishing act. But you know, Saturn is you know, just separating from its exact return in his charts, you know, still right

Kyle Pierce:

he successfully gets the location of the trial switched over to Colorado Springs. Carolyn Boone had smuggled in plans for the jail in Colorado Springs, which he was able to put to use for a successful

Kyle Pierce:

a pretty appropriate to go Question How objectively positive this is from the perspective of Ted Bundy? Certainly in the short term, you know, I'm sure he really enjoyed. It was about 50 days of

Kyle Pierce:

The crimes that he committed during this time, I would argue, would rank as easily among the most despicable and just reprehensible, brutal attacks on women amongst a laundry list of just horrific

Kyle Pierce:

on TED he attempts to make a run for it and is caught near the Alabama state line. Now on the day of his escape, December 28 1977, Saturn is at about 15 minutes, zero degrees in 15 minutes, retrograde

Kyle Pierce:

philosophical rabbit hole that that that leads to but I don't think any of this was ultimately good for him, you know.

Kyle Pierce:

But again, if we get on that, if I get on that carousel, I'm never gonna get off. But you know, in regards to Bundys transits we have, like I mentioned before Saturn, being activated by the sixth

Kyle Pierce:

condition it happens to be in which you know, sometimes results in misguided attempts that are not good, either for native of the chart or other people, but in this specific context, I can't help but

Kyle Pierce:

Mars being eclipsed in the fifth house, Natalie for him in Sagittarius, I can really see how there's kind of a story there, or at least given how his life you know, had unfolded up to this point of

Kyle Pierce:

you know, just to speak on it, in very broad terms, whatever its agenda is, at this time in regards to Bundy is very much diminished in its capacity to do that job. You know, I'm just noticing right

Kyle Pierce:

be you know, reversed in some way. Or at very least, you're gonna have to go back and do it over again. So as Mars makes its way back towards cancer towards it Bundys 12 house, a sign where Mars

Kyle Pierce:

momentarily after kicking one of their guns away in the scuffle. But then quickly gave up after one of them fired a warning shot Adam. And a couple of interesting things happen right at this time, or

Kyle Pierce:

completely unconfigured to Saturn. And in Bunny's eighth house. This is also a Jupiter ruled sign given Um, you know, maybe some other speculations I've made about what Jupiter is job this year is,

Kyle Pierce:

It also bears noting that Jupiter, though still in Gemini stations Direct, just three days after that, and really, for all intents and purposes, the sort of week preceding a station direct tends to

Kyle Pierce:

Springs was notably more hostile towards murder suspects but you know, the evidence was still not not that great wasn't you know, it's kind of flimsy but now he is in Florida and Florida has a an

Kyle Pierce:

with me while I am not at the time of this recording available for live consultations just yet though I plan to be very soon you can purchase a recorded reading from me on my Etsy store which I

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About the Podcast

Killer Cosmos
A True Crime Astrology Podcast
Killer Cosmos delves into the dark side of the human experience with incisive astrology, uncovering the mysterious influence of the cosmos on some of the most infamous figures and events in human history.

About your host

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Kyle Pierce

Kyle Pierce is a Professional Astrologer with an inclusive approach based primarily on Hellenistic techniques. He lives in Michigan.